'LAUNDRY DETERGENT' bottle vase by Middle Kingdom

'LAUNDRY DETERGENT' bottle vase by Middle Kingdom


Part of the MKPorcelain ‘Bottle Vase’ collection these vessels have been crafted from colour clay Porcelain, feature a luscious matte finish and glazed interior. This piece is available in 7 luscious colours - Bisque (White), Denim Blue, Dusty Pink, Lemon Yellow, Mint, Orange & Sage Green.

Middle Kingdom wares are inspired by long and distinguished histories of design and craftsmanship from both East and West.

All aspects of design and manufacture ensures that Middle Kingdom wares are finely crafted and are of the highest quality. They carefully select the finest clays, work with unique glazes and colour blends, and design works that speak to history and modernity.”

Measurements -
24.2cm (H) x 12.7cm (W) x 5.7cm (D)

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